Statue in resina |
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Bassorilievi in resina | |
"Spedizioni in tutto il mondo" |
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LRR 140 Metopa Partenone - cavalli h. cm. 112 x 125 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 130 Metopa Partenone - due cavalli h. cm. 109 x 142 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 94 Orfeo ed Euridice h. cm. 121 larg. cm. 100 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 132 Hermes - Dioniso h. cm. 135 x 300. | Ordina ora |
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LRR 129 Scene Mitologiche elleniche h. cm. 51 x 73 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 20 Scene mitologiche Elleniche h cm. 54 larg. cm. 114 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 95 Madonna del Donatello ovale h. cm. 49 largh. cm. 39 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 112 Madonna di Misobolo h. cm. 44 x 31 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 121 Fatiche di Ercole h. cm. 46 x 52 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 26 Arciere h. cm. 60 x 47 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 22 Satiro e donna h cm. 70 larg. cm. 53 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 86 Nike del sandalo h. cm. 90 x 45 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 27 Madonna del Donatello rettangolare h cm. 63 larg. cm. 39 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 11 Santa Cecilia h. cm. 43x30 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 148 Papa Giovanni XXIII h. cm. 55 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 33 Ifigenia h cm. 22,5 larg. cm. 75 |
Ordina ora
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LRR 32 Mito di Ulisse h cm. 22,5 larg. cm. 75 |
Ordina ora
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LRR 68 Sette note musicali h cm. 24 larg. cm 68 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 144 Bocca della veritą diametro cm. 90 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 126 Tondo Pitti - Michelangelo h. cm. 91 larg. cm 85 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 13 Ovale con cesto di frutta h. cm. 40 larg. cm. 55 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 102 Rilievo Rinascimentale cornucopie h cm. 24 larg. cm. 130 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 24 Foglia d'acanto - ornato h. cm. 23x70 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 134 Foglia di cardo - ornato h. cm. 43x100 | Ordina ora |
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Cornice per finestra | Ordina ora |
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Cornice per porta | Ordina ora |
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LRR 65 Volto di Madonna h. cm. 45 larg. cm. 30 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 142 Madonna con bambino h. cm. 74 largh. cm. 58 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 89 Putto Fiammingo scontornato h. cm.71 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 101 Mascherone per chiave di volta h cm. 58 larg. cm. 40\25 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 88 Profilo divinitą Egizia h. cm. 47 larg. cm. 36 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 78 Ibis - Egizio h. cm. 39 largh. cm. 108 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 122 Asini - Egizio h. cm. 39,5 largh. cm 116,5 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 117 Iside h. cm. 90 x 49 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 124 Osiride h. cm. 90 largh. cm. 49 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 123 Il Lavoro - Bistolfi h. cm. 37 x 100 | Ordina ora |
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LRR 81 Figure che danzano - Reduzzi - h. cm. 54 x 97 | Ordina ora |
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